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Midi files are listed by Title and by Composer. To provide faster downloading, the listings are divided into small groups.
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Note that "A, An, The" and "That" which are at the beginning of titles are ignored in determining the alphabetical order.
All files are listed below. To keep size of file within reason, no links are provided.You can use the following table to check out the midi files. The same table appears on all midi file listing pages.
Order of listing:
Title - Composer - (copyright year) - [midi file name]Adlyn Grand Concert Waltz - John T. Hall - (1897) - [adlyn]
African Pas' - Maurice Kirwin - (1902) - [afrcnpas]
Agitation Rag - Robert Hampton - (1915) - [agitaton]
Ain't I Lucky? Two Step - Bess E. Rudisell - (1905) - [ailucky]
Alabama Dream - A Rag Time Cake Walk - George D. Barnard - (1899) - [aladream]
Alagazam! Cake Walk, March and Two Step - Abe Holzmann - (1902) - [alagazam]
Alexander's Ragtime Band - Irving Berlin - (1911) - [alexrsrb]
All The Grapes Rag Time Two-Step - James Fahy - (1908) - [atgrapes]
The Amazon Rag - Teddy Hahn - (1904) - [amazon]
American Beauty Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1913) - [amrcnbty]
American Wedding March - E. T. Paull - (1919) - [amweddng]
Anoma - Ford T. Dabney - (1910) - [anoma]
Antoinette - March and Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1906) - [antointe]
Apple Jack - Charles L. Johnson - (1909) - [applejck]
Apple Sass Rag - Harry Belding - (1914) - [applsass]
Armadillo Rag - Two Step - Clarence F. Brown - (1911) - [armadill]
Ashy Africa - Percy Wenrich - (1903) - [ashyafrc]
Atlanta Rag - Charles "Cow Cow" Davenport - (1922) - [atlanta]
The Augustan Club Waltzes - Scott Joplin - (1901) - [augustan]
Bachelors Button - Ragtime Intermezzo - W. C. Powell - (1909) - [bachelrb]
Back To Life - Rag Time March & Two Step - Charles Hunter - (1905) - [bck2life]
Bantam Step - Harry Jentes - (1906) - [bantam]
Barbed Wire Rag - Herbert Spencer - (1910) - [barbwire]
Bees-Wax Rag - Harry J. Lincoln - (1911) - [beeswax]
Belle Of The Creoles - Cake-Walk & Two-Step - Harry P. Guy - (1899) - [belleofc]
Ben Hur Chariot Race March - E. T. Paull - (1894) - [benhur]
Bethena - Scott Joplin - (1905) - [bethena]
Big Foot Lou - Joseph Gearen - (1899) - [bfootlou]
Billikin Rag - E. J. Stark - (1913) - [billikin]
Binks' Waltz - Scott Joplin - (1905) - [binkswlz]
Black And Blue Rag - Hal G. Nichols - (1914) - [blckblue]
Black and White Rag - George Botsford - (1908) - [blackand]
Black and White Rag - George Botsford Arranged and played by Greenfield Bowie - (1908) - [blkwhtgb]
A Black Bawl - Harry C. Thompson - (1905) - [blckbawl]
The Black Cat Rag - March & Two Step - Frank Wooster and Ethyl B. Smith - (1905) - [blackcat]
Black Diamond Rag - Henry Lodge - (1912) - [blkdimnd]
A Black Smoke - Charles L. Johnson - (1902) - [blacksmk]
Blaze Away - March and Two-Step - Abe Holzmann - (1901) - [blazaway]
Blue Goose - Charles L. Johnson (as Raymond Birch) - (1916) - [blugoose]
Bohemia - Joseph F. Lamb - (1919) - [bohemia]
The Bolo Rag - Albert Gumble - (1908) - [bolorag]
Bowery Buck - Tom Turpin - (1899) - [bowerybk]
A Breeze From Alabama - March and Ragtime Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [breezefa]
Broadway Rag - A Classic - James Scott - (1922) - [broadway]
Broncho Billy - Nell Wright Slaughter - (1914) - [bronchob]
Bud Rag - Budd L. Cross - (1909) - [budrag]
The Buffalo Rag - Tom Turpin - (1904) - [buffalo]
Bugs Rag - Nina B. Kohler - (1913) - [bugsrag]
Bumble Bee Rag - Harry Austin Tierney - (1909) - [bumbleb]
Bunch O' Blackberries - Abe Holzmann - (1899) - [bnchblkb]
The Bunny Hug Rag - Harry De Costa - (1912) - [bunnyhug]
Burning Of Rome March-TwoStep - E. T. Paull - (1903) - [burnrome]
Cabbage - Leaf Rag - Les Copeland - (1909) - [cabbgelf]
Cactus Rag - Lucian P. Gibson - (1916) - [cactus]
Calla Lily - Logan Thane and Nat. E. Solomons - (1907) - [callally]
Campin' On De Ole Suwanee - Lee Orean Smith - (1899) - [cmpnodos]
Canadian Capers - Gus Chandler, Bert White, and Henry Cohen - (1915) - [canadian]
The Candy - Clarence Jones - (1909) - [thecandy]
Cannon Ball - Northup, Joseph C. - (1905) - [canonbal]
Car-Barlick-Acid - Clarence Wiley - (1901) - [carbarac]
The Carnival King March-Two Step - Ralph E. Elicker - (1911) - [carnking]
The Cascades - Scott Joplin - (1904) - [cascades]
Castle House Rag - James Reese Europe - (1914) - [castlehr]
Catnip - Characteristic Two-Step - Percy Wenrich - (1911) - [catnip]
Champagne Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1910) - [chmpagne]
Chatterbox Rag - George Botsford - (1905) - [chttrbox]
The Checkerboard - Elijah W. Jimerson - (1914) - [chckrbrd]
Chestnuts - Percy Wenrich - (1906) - [chestnut]
Chili-Sauce - H. A. Fischler - (1910) - [chilisce]
Chills And Fever Rag - Theron C. Bennett - (1912) - [chillsaf]
Chimes - Homer Denney - (1910) - [chimes]
The Chinatown Rag - Geo. W. Meyer - (1910) - [chinatwn]
The Chrysanthemum - An Afro-American Intermezzo - Scott Joplin - (1904) - [chrysnth]
The Circus Parade - E. T. Paull - (1904) - [circuspr]
Cleanin' Up in Georgia - Cakewalk Patrol or Two-Step - Harry P. Guy - (1899) - [clnnupga]
Cleopha - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [cleopha]
Climax Rag - James Scott - (1914) - [climax]
The Climbers - Arthur Sizemore - (1911) - [climbers]
Clover Leaf Rag - Cy Seymour - (1909) - [cloverlf]
Cole Smoak - Clarence H. St. John - (1906) - [colesmok]
College Life March and Two-Step - Henry Frantzen - (1905) - [college]
Colonial Glide - Paul Pratt - (1914) - [clnlglde]
Combination March - Scott Joplin - (1896) - [combntnm]
The Conqueror March - W. A. Corey - (1898) - [conquerm]
Coon Hollow Capers - Frank R. Gillis - (1899) - [chcapers]
A Coon Serenade - M. H. Irish - (1903) - [acsrnade]
Cotton Belt Rag March and Two Step - J. H. O'Bryan - (1908) - [cotnbelt]
Cotton Bolls - Charles Hunter - (1901) - [cttnblls]
A Cotton Patch - Charles A. Tyler - (1902) - [cottonpa]
Cotton Time - Charles N. Daniels - (1910) - [cottontm]
Country Club - Ragtime Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [cntryclb]
Cowperthwait Centennial March - Abe Holzmann - (1907) - [cowperth]
Crab Apples - Percy Wenrich - (1908) - [crabappl]
Creole Belles-March-Two-Step - J. Bodewalt Lampe - (1900) - [creolebs]
Crimson Rambler Rag - Harry Austin Tierney - (1911) - [crimsonr]
The Cubanola Glide - Harry Von Tilzer - (1909) - [cubanola]
Cum Bac Rag - Charles L. Johnson - (1911) - [cum-bac]
A Cyclone In Darktown - George D. Barnard - (1910) - [cyclone]
Dakota Rag - O. H. Andersen - (1899) - [dakota]
The Darkey Todalo - Joe Jordan - (1910) - [drkytodl]
That Demon Rag - Russell Smith - (1912) - [demonrag]
Diablo Rag - A Rag Fantasie Two Step - Dorothy Ingersol Wahl - (1908) - [diablo]
Dill Pickles (Two Step) - Charles L. Johnson - (1906) - [dillpckl]
Dimples - L. E. Colburn - (1920) - [dimples]
Dingle Pop Hop - Harry Austin Tierney - (1911) - [dinglpop]
A Dingy Slowdown - Robert Hoffman - (1900) - [adingysd]
Dixie Blossoms March-Two-Step - Percy Wenrich - (1906) - [dixblsms]
Dixie Dimples - James Scott - (1918) - [dixdmpls]
Dixie Girl - J. Bodewalt Lampe - (1903) - [dixegirl]
Dixie Queen - Robert Hoffman - (1906) - [dixqueen]
Doc. Brown's Cake Walk - Charles L. Johnson - (1899) - [docbrown]
Don't Jazz Me - Rag (I'm Music) - James Scott - (1921) - [dontjazz]
Dope - A Rag Novellette Two-Step - W. C. Powell - (1909) - [dope]
Down Home Rag - Wilber C. S. Sweatman - (1911) - [downhome]
Dusty Rag - May Frances Aufderheide - (1908) - [dustyrag]
The Easy Winners - Scott Joplin - (1901) - [ezwnnrs]
Eatin Time - Irene Cozad - (1913) - [eatntime]
Echoes From The Snowball Club - Harry P. Guy - (1898) - [snowball]
Efficiency Rag - James Scott - (1917) - [efficncy]
The Eight O'Clock Rush - Bess E. Rudisell - (1911) - [8oclkrsh]
Eli Green's Cake Walk - Sadie Koninsky - (1898) - [eligreen]
Elite Syncopations - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [elitesyn]
Elks Grand March and Two Step - Wheat, Leo - (1898) - [elksgrnd]
Encore Rag - Tad Fischer - (1912) - [encore]
The Entertainer - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [entertnr]
Ethiopia Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1909) - [ethiopia]
Eugenia - Scott Joplin - (1905) - [eugenia]
Euphonic Sounds - A Syncopated Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [euphonic]
Evergreen Rag - James Scott - (1915) - [evrgreen]
Everybody Twostep Rag - Wallie Herzer - (1910) - [evrybody]
Excelsior Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1909) - [exclsior]
The Fascinator - James Scott - (1903) - [fascintr]
The Favorite - A Ragtime Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1904) - [favorite]
Felicity Rag - A Ragtime Two-Step - Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden - (1911) - [felicity]
Felix Rag - H. H. McSkimming - (1910) - [felixrag]
Fig Leaf - A High Class Rag - Scott Joplin - (1908) - [figleaf]
Fizz Water - Eubie Blake - (1914) - [fizzh2o]
Florida Rag - George L. Lowry - (1905) - [florida]
Flying Arrow - Abe Holzmann - (1906) - [flyingar]
Freckles Rag - Larry Buck - (1905) - [freckles]
Fried Chicken Rag - Ella Hudson Day - (1912) - [friedckn]
Frisco Rag - Harry Armstrong - (1904) - [frisco]
Frog Legs Rag - James Scott - (1906) - [froglegs]
Frozen Bill Rag - Arthur Pryor - (1909) - [frozenb]
Funny Folks - W. C. Powell - (1904) - [funfolks]
Gasoline Rag - L. Mentel - (1906) - [gasoline]
General Persifor F. Smith's March - Martin, T. J. - (Circa 1910) - [gensmith]
Glad Cat Rag - Will Nash - (1905) - [gladcat]
Gladiolus Rag - Scott Joplin - (1907) - [gladiols]
The Gobbler's Gambol - Turkey Trot - Calvin Grooms - (1913) - [gobblers]
Golden Deer - Percy Wenrich - (1911) - [gldndeer]
Golden Spider Rag March and Two-Step - Charles L. Johnson - (1910) - [goldspdr]
Good-bye Old Gal Good-bye - Mac Darden and H. Carroll Taylor arranged by Scott Joplin - (1906) - [gboldgal]
That Gosh-Darned Two Step Rag - M. Kendree Miller - (1913) - [thatgosh]
Grace and Beauty - A Classy Rag - James Scott - (1909) - [gracebty]
The Great Crush Collision March - Scott Joplin - (1896) - [crushcm]
Great Scott Rag - James Scott - (1909) - [grtscott]
Gum Shoe - E. J. Stark - (1917) - [gumshoe]
Halley's Comet Rag - Harry J. Lincoln - (1910) - [halleys]
Ham And! - Arthur A. Marshall - (1908) - [hamand]
That "Hand Played" Rag - David Silverman and Arthur R. Ward - (1914) - [handplay]
Happy Heine A Characteristic March - Two Step - J. Bodewalt Lampe - (1905) - [hapheine]
Harlem Rag Two Step - Tom Turpin - (1897) - [harlem]
Harmony Club Waltz - Scott Joplin - (1896) - [harmonyc]
The Hay Ride March Two-Step - F. R. Kimball - (1907) - [hayride]
Heliotrope Bouquet - Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin - (1907) - [heliotrp]
High Yellow Cake Walk and Two Step - F. Henri Klickmann - (1915) - [highyell]
Hilarity Rag - James Scott - (1910) - [hilarity]
That Hindu Rag - George L. Cobb - (1910) - [hindurag]
Holy Moses - Cy Seymour - (1906) - [holymose]
Honey Rag - Egbert Van Alstyne - (1909) - [honeyrag]
Honeysuckle Rag - Botsford, George - (1911) - [honeysuc]
Hoosier Rag - Julia Lee Niebergall - (1907) - [hoosier]
Horseshoe Rag - Julia Lee Niebergall - (1911) - [horsesho]
Hot Cabbage - A Rag Two Step - Homer Denney - (1908) - [hotcabge]
Hot Chocolate Rag - Malvin Franklin and Arthur Lange - (1908) - [hotchoc]
The Hot-House Rag - Paul Pratt - (1914) - [hothouse]
Hot Scotch Rag - H. A. Fischler - (1911) - [hotsctch]
Hyacinth Rag - - Botsford, George - (1911) - [hyacinth]
I Am Thinking Of My Pickaninny Days - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [pickanny]
I Got The Blues - A, Maggio - (1908) - [igtblues]
The Ice Palace March - Two Step - E. T. Paull - (1898) - [icepalce]
Ida-Ho! A Wild Western Fantasia - Harry Von Tilzer - (1906) - [ida-ho]
I'm Alabama Bound - Robert Hoffman - (1909) - [imalabnd]
Impecunious Davis - Kerry Mills - (1899) - [impecund]
Imperial Rag - Billy Talbot - (1914) - [imprlrag]
In Tokio - Characteristic March & Two Step - S. Nirella - (1904) - [intokio]
Ink Splotch Rag - Clifford Adams - (1909) - [inksplch]
J. J. J. Rag - Joe Jordan - (1905) - [jjjrag]
Jack Frost - Rag-time Two-Step - Archie W. Scheu - (1906) - [jackfrst]
Jamaica Jinjer - A Hot Rag - Egbert Van Alstyne - (1912) - [jamaica]
Jinx Rag - Lucian P. Gibson - (1915) - [jinxrag]
Jungle Time - E. Philip Severin - (1909) - [jungletm]
Just Ask Me - Charles Hunter - (1902) - [jstaskme]
Kalamity Kid Rag - Ferdinand Alexander Guttenberger - (1909) - [kalamity]
Kansas City Rag - James Scott - (1907) - [kansascr]
Kinklets Ragtime Two Step - Arthur A. Marshall - (1906) - [kinklets]
Kismet Rag - Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden - (1913) - [kismet]
Kitten On The Keys - Zes Confrey - (1921) - [kitten]
Knick Knocks Rag- - Phil Schwartz - (1915) - [knicknok]
Kullud Koons Kake Walk - D. Emerson - (1892) - [kkkwalk]
Leola Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1905) - [leola]
Levee Revels - Wm Christopher O'Hare - (1898) - [levrevls]
Lily Queen - A Ragtime Two Step - Scott Joplin and Arthur Marshall - (1907) - [lilyquen]
The Lily Rag - Charles Thompson - (1914) - [lilyrag]
The Lion Tamer Rag - Mark Janza - (1903) - [liontamr]
Little Black Baby - Scott Joplin - (1903) - [littlebb]
Live Wires Rag - Adaline Shepherd - (1910) - [livewire]
Louisiana Rag - Leon Block - (1911) - [larag]
Louisiana Rag - Theo. H. Northup - (1897) - [louisana]
Lovin' Babe - Al R. Turner arranged by Scott Joplin - (1911) - [lovnbabe]
That Lovin' Rag - Victor H. Smalley and Bernard Adler - (1908) - [loving]
Ma Rag Time Baby - Fred S. Stone - (1898) - [martbaby]
Magnetic Rag - Scott Joplin - (1914) - [magnetic]
Majestic Rag - Ben Rawls and Royal Neel - (1914) - [majestic]
Mandy's Broadway Stroll - Thomas E. Broady - (1898) - [mandysbs]
Maple Leaf Rag - Scott Joplin - (1899) - [mapleafp]
Maple Leaf Rag Song - Scott Joplin and words by Syndey Brown - (1904) - [mplfsong]
March Majestic - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [mmajstic]
Marching Through Georgia March - Henry C. Work arranged by Henry S. Sawyer - (1907) - [marchtga]
Mashed Potatoes - C. L. Woolsey - (1911) - [mshdpota]
Medic Rag - C. L. Woolsey - (1910) - [medicrag]
The Memphis Blues - W. C. Handy - (1912) - [memphisb]
Mississippi Rag - W. H. Krell - (1897) -[missrag]
The Missouri Mule March - C. Blake - (1904) - [momule]
Missouri Rag - March & Two Step - W. C. Powell - (1907) - [missouri]
Mocking Bird Rag - Charles T. Straight - (1912) - [mockingb]
Modesty Rag - James Scott - (1920) - [modesty]
Moonshine Rag - Edward Hudson - (1916) - [moonshne]
Moose Rag - Ted Johnson - (1910) - [mooserag]
Motor Bus - Annie Houston - (1914) - [motorbus]
Movie Rag - J. S. Zamecnik - (1913) - [movierag]
The Music Box Rag - Luckey Roberts - (1914) - [musicbox]
Mutt and Jeff Rag - P. L. Eubank - (1913) - [muttjeff]
My Ann Elizer (The Rag-Time Girl) - Malcom Williams - (1898) - [myanelzr]
Nappy Lee - Joe Jordan - (1903) - [nappylee]
New Era Rag (Dance) - James Scott - (1919) - [newera]
Niagara Rag - Laverne Hanshaw - (1914) - [niagara]
Nigger-Toe Rag - F. A. Fischler - (1910) - [ntoerag]
The Nonpareil - A Rag & Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1907) - [nonparel]
Nothing Doin' - Frances Willard Neal - (1914) - [nothingd]
Novelty Rag - May Frances Aufderheide - (1911) - [novelty]
Oh, You Devil - Ford T. Dabney - (1909) - [oyoudevl]
Old Crow Rag - Botsford, George - (1909) - [oldcrow]
Old Virginia Rag - Clyde Douglass - (1907) - [oldvarag]
Ole Virginny Barbecue - J. E. Andino - (1899) - [olevabbq]
On Easy Street - J. Reginald MacEachron - (1901) - [oneasyst]
On Emancipation Day - Characteristic Negro March and Two Step - Will. Marion Cook - (1902) - [emancptn]
On The Pike - James Scott - (1904) - [onthpike]
One O' Them Things - James Chapman and Leroy Smith - (1904) - [oneothem]
Operatic Rag - Julius Lenzberg - (1914) - [operatic]
Ophelia Rag - James Scott - (1910) - [ophelia]
The Original Chicago Blues - James White - (1915) - [chiblues]
Original Rags - Scott Joplin - (1899) - [original]
Palm Leaf Rag - A Slow Drag - Scott Joplin - (1903) - [palmleaf]
Panama Rag - Cy Seymour - (1904) - [panama]
Paragon Rag - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [paragon]
Paramount Rag - James Scott - (1917) - [paramont]
Pastime Rag No. 1 - Artie Matthews - (1913) - [pastime1]
Pastime Rag No. 2 - Artie Matthews - (1913) - [pastime2]
Pastime Rag No. 3 - Artie Matthews - (1916) - [pastime3]
Pastime Rag No. 4 - Artie Matthews - (1920) - [pastime4]
Pastime Rag No. 5 - Artie Matthews - (1918) - [pastime5]
Patricia Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1916) - [patricia]
Peace and Plenty Rag - James Scott - (1919) - [peacepln]
Peaceful Henry - A Slow Drag - E. Harry Kelly - (1901) - [pflhenry]
The Peach - Arthur A. Marshall - (1908) - [thepeach]
Peacherine Rag - Scott Joplin - (1901) - [peachern]
Peaches and Cream - Percy Wenrich - (1905) - [pchsncrm]
Peanuts - A Nutty Rag - Earnist, Ethel (pseudonym for Charles L. Johnson) - (1911) - [peanuts]
Pegasus - A Classic Rag - James Scott - (1920) - [pegasus]
Petticoat Lane - Euday L. Bowman - (1915) - [pettcoat]
The Phillipine Carnival Two-Step - Capt. W. H. Loving - (1908) - [carnival]
Pickles and Peppers - A Rag Oddity - March and Two Step - Adaline Shepherd - (1906) - [pklspepr]
Pine Apple Rag - Scott Joplin - (1908) - [pineappl]
The Pippin - Arthur A. Marshall - (1908) - [thpippin]
Pleasant Moments Ragtime Waltz - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [plsntmmt]
Poison Ivy Rag - Herbert Ingraham - (1908) - [poisoniv]
Poison Rag - C. L. Woolsey - (1910) - [poison]
Policy King - Charles B. Brown - (1905) - [policykg]
Possum And Taters - Charles Hunter - (1900) - [pssmttrs]
Powder Rag - March and Two-Step - Raymond Birch pseudonym for Charles L. Johnson - (1908) - [powderrg]
The Pride Of Bucktown - Robt. S. Roberts - (1897) - [prideobt]
Princess Rag, The - James Scott - (1911) - [princess]
Quality Rag - James Scott - (1911) - [quality]
Queen Of Love - Charles Hunter - (1901) - [qnoflove]
The Queen Rag - Floyd Willis - (1911) - [queenrag]
Queen Raglin - A. E. Henrich - (1902) - [qnraglin]
Rag-Alley Dream - Mattie Harl Burgess - (1902) - [rgalydrm]
Rag Baby Mine - Botsford, George - (1913) - [ragbaby]
Rag-Bag - Harry J. Lincoln - (1909) - [ragbag]
Rag Medley - Max Hoffman - (1897) - [rgmedley]
The Rag Pickers Rag - Robt. J. O'Brien - (1904) - [ragpckrs]
Rag Sentimental - James Scott - (1918) - [sentmntl]
Ragged Terry - Margaret Agnew White - (1913) - [ragterry]
Raggy Rag - Floyd Willis - (1909) - [raggyrag]
Rags and Tatters - Edward Clark Jr. - (1900) - [rgsnttrs]
Rags To Burn - Frank X. McFadden - (1899) - [rgs2burn]
The Ragtime Betty - James Scott - (1909) - [ragbetty]
Rag Time Chimes - Percy Wenrich - (1911) - [rtchimes]
Rag-Time Dance - A Stop-Time Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1906) - [ragdance]
Ragtime Nightingale - Joseph F. Lamb - (1915) - [rtnghtng]
A Ragtime Nightmare - March and Two-Step - Tom Turpin - (1900) - [rtnitemr]
Ragtime Oriole - James Scott - (1911) - [rtoriole]
Ragtime Ripples - Percy Wenrich - (1908) - [ripples]
Rag-time Skedaddle, A - March and Cake-Walk - George Rosey - (1899) - [skedadle]
The Ragtime Violin - Irving Berlin - (1911) - [rtviolin]
Ragtown Rags - Max Hoffman - (1898) - [ragtown]
That Railroad Rag - Music by Ed Bimberg and lyrics by Nat Vincent - (1911) - [railroad]
Rainbow - An Indian Intermezzo - Percy Wenrich - (1908) - [rainbow]
Rats!!! - M. Kendree Miller - (1914) - [rats]
The Rattler Rag - Susie Wells - (1912) - [rattler]
Razzazza Mazzazza - Arthur Pryor - (1906) - [rzzamzza]
Red Pepper Rag - Henry Lodge - (1910) - [redpeppr]
Red Peppers - Imogene Giles - (1907) - [redpeprs]
The Red Rose Rag - Percy Wenrich and Albert Gumble - (1911) - [redrose]
Reflection Rag - Syncopated Musings - Scott Joplin - (1917) - [reflectn]
Reindeer Rag Time Two-Step - Joseph F. Lamb - (1915) - [reindeer]
The Richmond Rag - May Frances Aufderheide - (1908) - [richmond]
Riverside Rag - Charles Cohen - (1910) - [rivrside]
Robardina Rag - E. Warren Furry - (1902) - [robardna]
Rose Leaf Rag - A Ragtime Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1907) - [roseleaf]
The Rose-bud March - Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1905) - [rosebudm]
Royal Flush - A Rag - Botsford, George - (1911) - [royflush]
Rubber Plant Rag - George L. Cobb - (1909) - [rbbrplnt]
Sapho Rag - J. Russell Robinson - (1909) - [saphorag]
Saskatoon Rag - Phil Goldberg - (1915) - [sasktoon]
Satisfied - An Emotional Drag - Theron C. Bennett - (1904) - [satisfed]
That Scandalous Rag - Edwin F. Kendall - (1912) - [scandlus]
Scott Joplin's New Rag - Scott Joplin - (1912) - [newrag]
Scroochin' Up Rag - Lena Martin - (1911) - [scroochn]
Scrub Rags - Arthur W. Mueller - (1904) - [scrubrag]
Search-Light Rag - A Syncopated March and Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1907) - [srchlite]
Sensation Rag - Joseph F. Lamb arranged by Scott Joplin - (1908) - [sensatn]
That Sentimental Rag - Mabel Tilton - (1913) - [thatsent]
Shake Yo' Dusters! or Piccaninny Rag - W. H. Krell - (1898) - [shakeyod]
Shamrock Rag - Euday L. Bowman - (1916) - [shamrock]
The Sheath - Wm. E. Weigel - (1908) - [sheath]
The Shovel Fish - Harry L. Cook - (1907) - [shvlfish]
Silks And Rags - Fred S. Stone - (1901) - [silksrag]
Silver Bell - Percy Wenrich - (1910) - [slvrbell]
Silver Swan Rag - Scott Joplin (Attributed to) - (Circa 1914) - [slvrswan]
Skeleton Rag - Percy Wenrich - (1911) - [skeleton]
Sky Rockets Rag - Philip Severin - (1911) - [skyrockt]
Sleepy Hollow Rag - Clarence Woods - (1918) -[sleepyhr]
Sleepy Lou - Irene M. Giblin - (1906) - [sleepylu]
Sleepy Sidney - Archie W. Scheu - (1907) - [slpysdny]
Slippery Elm Rag - Clarence Woods - (1912) - [slpryelm]
Slivers - Harry L. Cook - (1909) - [slivers]
The Smiler - Percy Wenrich - (1907) - [smiler]
The Smoky Topaz - Grace M. Bolen - (1901) - [smkytpz]
Snoring Sampson - Harry La Mertha arranged by Scott Joplin - (1907) - [snrgsmpn]
Snowball Babe - C. Roland Flick - (1900) - [snowbabe]
Solace - A Mexican Seranade - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [solace]
Something Doing Cake Walk March - A Ragtime Two Step - Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden - (1903) - [somthngd]
Sour Grapes - Will B. Morrison - (1912) - [sourgrps]
Southern Rag Medley No. One - John W. Boone - (1908) - [sragmed1]
Southern Rag Medley No. Two - John W. Boone - (1909) - [sragmed2]
Sponge - W. C. Simon - (1911) - [sponge]
The St. Louis Rag - Instrumental Novelty For Piano - Tom Turpin - (1903) - [stlouis]
St. Louis Tickle - Barney & Seymore - (1904) - [stltckle]
The Stinging Bee - Mike Bernard - (1908) - [stngingb]
Stoptime Rag - Scott Joplin - (1910) - [stoptime]
The Strenuous Life - Scott Joplin - (1902) - [strelife]
Sugar Cane - A Ragtime Classic Two-Step - Scott Joplin - (1908) - [sugrcane]
A Summer Breeze - James Scott - (1903) - [smmrbrze]
Sumthin' Doin' - F. H. Losey - (1907) - [sumthind]
Sunburst Rag - James Scott - (1909) - [sunburst]
Sunflower Slow Drag - Rag Time Two Step - Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden - (1901) - [sunflwrd]
Sure Fire Rag - Henry Lodge - (1910) - [surefire]
Swamptown Shuffle - Harry W. Jones - (1902) - [swmptwns]
Swanee Rag - Charles L. Johnson - (1912) - [swaneerg]
Swanee Ripples - Walter E. Blaufuss - (1912) - [swaneerp]
Sweet Pickles - George E. Florence - (1907) - [swtpckls]
Swipesy - Cake Walk - Scott Joplin and Arthur Marshall - (1900) - [swipesy]
The Sycamore - Scott Joplin - (1904) - [sycamore]
Sympathetic Jasper - E. L. Catlin - (1905) - [sympjspr]
Tanglefoot Rag - Losey, F. H. - (1910) - [tangleft]
That Teasin' Rag - Joe Jordan - (1909) - [teasinrg]
Temptation Rag - Henry Lodge - (1909) - [temptatn]
A Tennessee Jubilee - Thomas E. Broady - (1899) - [tennjubl]
A Tennessee Tantalizer - Charles Hunter - (1900) - [tntntlzr]
Texas Fox Trot - David Guion - (1915) - [texasfox]
That Texas Rag - Nell Wright Watson - (1913) - [thatxrag]
That's The Kind Of Fellow That I Could Love - Percy Wenrich and Albert Gumble - (1911) - [kindfell]
The Third Avenue "L" Fox Trot - Peter Persoff - (1998) - [thirdavl]
The Thompson Street Cadets - Charles Shackford - (1897) - [thompson]
The Thriller Rag - May Frances Aufderheide - (1909) - [thriller]
Tickled To Death Rag Time March and Two Step - Charles Hunter - (1899) - [tickled2]
Tobasco (Rag-Time Waltz) - Charles L. Johnson - (1909) - [tobasco]
Toboggan Rag - John F. Barth - (1912) - [toboggan]
Tom and Jerry Rag - Jerry Cammack - (1917) - [tomjerry]
Too Much Mustard - Cecil Macklin - (1911) - [toomuchm]
Too Much Raspberry - Sydney K. Russell - (1916) - [toomchrb]
Top Liner Rag - Joseph F. Lamb - (1916) - [topliner]
A Totally Different Rag - May Frances Aufderheide - (1910) - [totlydif]
Trilby Rag - Carey Morgan - (1915) - [trilby]
Trombone Johnsen - E. J. Stark - (1902) - [trombone]
Troubadour Rag - James Scott - (1919) - [troubadr]
Trouble - Will B. Morrison and Cecil Duanne Crabb - (1914) - [trouble]
Twelfth Street Rag - Euday L. Bowman - (1914) - [12thstrg]
Variety Rag - Harry Austin Tierney - (1912) - [variety]
Victory Rag - James Scott - (1921) - [victory]
Virginia - Harry H. Mincer - (1899) - [virginia]
The Virginia Creeper Rag - Mae Davis - (1907) - [vacreepr]
Walkin' on de Rainbow Road - S. M. Roberts - (1899) - [walknrbr]
Wall Street Rag - Scott Joplin - (1909) - [wallst]
The Watermelon Trust - Harry C. Thompson - (1906) - [watrmelt]
Weary Walker March - Charles L. Johnson - (1895) - [weary]
Weeping Willow - A Rag Time Two Step - Scott Joplin - (1903) - [weepingw]
Weeping Willow Rag - H. A. Fischler - (1911) - [wwillowr]
We'll Stand By The Flag March - E. T. Paull - (1898) - [standbyf]
The White Wash Man - Jean Schwartz - (1908) - [wwashman]
Whittling Remus - Thomas E. Broady - (1900) - [whtremus]
Who Let The Cows Out - Chas. Humfeld - (1910) - [wholcout]
Whoa! Maud - A Rag Two Step - Will H. Etter - (1905) - [whoamaud]
Whoa! Nellie! - George Gould - (1915) - [whoanell]
Whoa You Heiffer - Al. Verges - (1904) - [whoauhfr]
Why We Smile - Charles Hunter - (1903) - [ywesmile]
Wild Cherries Rag - Ted Snyder - (1908) - [wildcher]
Windy City Two-Step and March - F. R. Sweetland - (1900) - [windcity]
Wireless Rag - Adaline Shepherd - (1909) - [wireless]
Worlds Fair Rag - Harvey M. Babcock - (1912) - [wrldfair]
X. L. Rag - L. Edgar Settle - (1903) - [xlrag]
Yellow Dog Blues - W. C. Handy - (1914) - [yellwdog]
Ziz March-Two Step - Alfred Feltman - (1907) - [ziz]
Copyright 1994-2001 by Colin D. MacDonald All rights reserved.
Colin D. MacDonald |
This website lives on, in memory of Colin “Mac” MacDonald, who passed away on March 31, 2008 after a long struggle with cancer. |